Prooph: CQRS+ES in PHP. How to use.

Pattern CQRS and Event Sourcing become more and more popular every day in PHP community. You can easily find lot libraries to store events, to execute commands, to manage repositories, etc. The leader there doesn’t exist yet, but prooph as the most complex solution is close to that position. They have only one problem, documentation.

Ok, they have two problems. Documentation and many not to updated examples in their GitHub repository. Because of that and because prooph is de facto five not related components running everything out-of-the-box is really a pain. Even if some examples contain Docker on board or especially then because a tree of dependencies grows fast.

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GraphQL vs. REST vs. SOAP

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you GraphQL. Dragons’ and gnomes’ slayer. I will be honest, GraphQL is in my opinion much better than REST and SOAP. Usually, I don’t follow trends I’m waiting when a technology grow up and solidify. I won’t be tester the newest solutions, especially when it’s related to JavaScript. As you know, frameworks in JavaScript are published every hour. I have no time for it.

GraphQL was published two years ago, Wikipedia said. I didn’t hear about it until I was looking through the agenda 4Developers, polish conference. Few speakers made presentations about it. I wasn’t on any. Just the organizer published videos on YouTube I had a chance to see them.

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100% Code Coverage with phpspec


Can you imagine a big project that has 100% code coverage? Me neither. It doesn’t mean that we should ignore this measurement. Today, I would like to describe my adventures with code coverage in the Financier project. There will be phpspec, Travis, and bit of dragons. Just kidding, dragons another day.

100% code coverage what does it mean? Well, you have tests for each class, method, and conditions (if, while, for), literally. Everything is testable and tested.

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Doctrine Migrations without frameworks

Few hours of each weekend I try to spend on developing my Financier app, which is nothing more than my interactive wallet to invest in market stock. It’s really easy command line app, that has two table in database. I have some plans for this application, that is why I’ve decided to implement library to manage database migrations.

I choose Doctrine Migrations that I usually use when I am working with symfony framework. This time, I wanted to use it on application where I don’t use any framework. First time I had to dive into documentation of this library, and it was terrible like diving into the dark ocean.

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GOLANG/GO: How to start on MacOS and to be an expert in less than 5 minutes.

Let’s start with explaining what go/golang is and why you should look at it if you are programming in any other language.

The most important thing: it is still a young tool. It’s only eight years old (since 2009). But it is used by the biggest brands like Uber, Netflix, Google. Therefore, we can assume that this language won’t be abandoned and learning it has a little more sense if you require something more than being hipster developer.


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TDD: Test-driven development sucks

Don’t click. The title is nothing more than clickbait.

When I’m starting writing this note is Saturday, and I’ve just come from a cafe. As usually, I went with my MacBook Pro and I’ve tried to create some code.

Today, I wanted to create a tool which helps me with mine investments on the stock market (Warsaw Stock Exchange).

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phpspec+behat: The Bowling Game Kata

A week ago, I announced on Twitter new blogpost about CQRS. I’m still writing it but I needed a little break from it and to take something new, something that I wanted to learn, try from a long time. I did my first Kata.

Kata is a Japanese word and could mean “practicing move”. Programmers adapted that word and created a lot of Katas (exercises) to improve their skills. One of the most popular Kata is The Bowling Game described by Robert Cecil Martin (Uncle Bob). The clue is to create an algorithm which shows score using the rules in this sport’s discipline.

On Saturday, I took my MacBook Pro and went to a cafe. I ordered, as usually, a large cappuccino without sugar and with non-fat milk and I’ve started two hours coding session.

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Travis: How to configure Symfony to cooperation?

You are happy user of the Symfony framework, and you heard something about Travis than you decide to test it. In this article, I describe how to connect popular tests’ tools (PHPUnit, phpspec, Behat) to Travis, when you have Symfony on your backend.

Before, we started configuring Symfony for supporting Travis you should know what is Continuous Integration and why that idea is very useful.

In simple words, Continuous Integration is when your code is merged with master branch and tested a few times of a day automatically. In previous ages, programmer deployed application once, maybe twice a year, now we can publish our changes in minutes to a production server, and millions of users can start using it immediately.

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Docker: Symfony – how to install it and use [LINUX]

Hi there. Today, I’m going to take care of PHP framework symfony and I’ll show you how to install it on your Linux machine by using docker.

If you use MacOS and you have installed docker as I described in my last note then you have to wait a while. I will describe it in another post.

As I’ve written before, symfony is a modern PHP framework, you can use it to create complex website. What is important, symfony has one of the biggest community. At this moment, it has more than 2 000 project contributors!

TL;DR: If you don’t want to read this article so you can go directly to the bottom where there is a full recipe ready to copy, paste and run.

Continue reading “Docker: Symfony – how to install it and use [LINUX]”